Well, I was going for an even 30, but this post will conclude my series on “Ways Artists Can Interface with God’s Mission.” You can find here: parts 1 and part 2. In total, I've compiled 33 bullet points outlining ways artists can creatively engage the world for kingdom impact.

In this concluding post, I emphasize how artists can contribute to establishing God’s kingdom. While part 2 emphasized expanding the kingdom, this section highlights how we can edify and empower other believers through our gifts.

  1. Expand your concept of what being a “maker” means. We create not only music, poetry, or visuals but also families, the culture of our homes, hospitable moments, and words of blessing. We make food to share, humor for joy, and expressions to embody our values. Indeed, we are all makers.

  2. Express what you learn from Scripture creatively. It may take time for your artistic craft to find acceptance among believers, but consider the impact of Luther's songs compared to his books. God uses the arts powerfully to ground believers in truth. The church needs your unique artistic gifts.

  3. Aim to be a commendable and trustworthy Christian. Love Jesus, love others, and let God handle the rest. As Francis Schaeffer noted, “Even for the great artist, the most crucial work of art is his life.” Imagine the impact of embodying the fruits of the Spirit, the beatitudes, and a cruciform love.

  4. Grow in your understanding of God’s Word, His mission, His church, and His gospel. Don’t feel like it is seminary or bust in order to be useful to the Master.

  5. Consider artistic communication as you teach others. I assume here someone takes seriously Jesus’ command to “Make disciples of all nations” (Matthew 28:16-20). When I say “teach with artistic communication,” I do not mean, “make sure you teach using visuals” (though it could be that). No, consider the fact that we use artistic communication all the time. Mankind does not engage each other outside of our senses. Artistic communication seeks to honor that fact. We are always making context with our words, mannerisms, non-verbals, language, sound, etc.

  6. Encourage others to discover their expressive qualities. Are not good works the manifestation of our faith towards others? While artists are highly in touch with their own navigation and internalization of their dealings in their surroundings, this principle emphasizes, “now, don’t forget your mission is to help others on their journey as well!” The artist embodies these two concepts: deep internalization of self and the call to deny self for the sake of others.

  7. Contribute to the beautification of the gathering spaces. This encompasses not only the Sunday morning experience but also the creation of any moments believers find valuable.

  8. Foster community among artists. Seek out fellow artistic believers to invest in and be inspired by. Collaborate, exchange ideas, and if these groups don’t exist, initiate your own!

  9. Join a church planting team. Give your talents! You can assist teams in learning other symbolic languages (written and verbal are not the only languages on a mission field!).

  10. Exist in both spaces. The Christian life for artists is not an either/or decision of “do I hang out with my Christian friends OR my non-Christian ones?” It is both. Immerse yourself in your faith community and arts community. If there is one thing I regret early on as a new believer, it is that I distanced myself from the arts community too much when I came to Christ. I simply didn’t know how to be a friend in light of my new identity in Christ. I mistakenly thought it was either preach or go out swinging.

  11. Advocate for cultural creation. Artists naturally shape culture. Nurture your sense of discernment, cultivate it, and foster trust with church leaders. As opportunities arise to provide input, respectfully share your insights.

  12. Learn about all the amazing ways God uses Christian artists for the kingdom around the world. Check out these amazing networks of Christianity, mission, and the arts:

    1. https://globalworship.tumblr.com/

    2. https://www.worldofworship.org/

    3. https://artandtheology.org/

    4. https://inspiroartsalliance.org/

That does it for this thought!


From Thirsty to Satisfied


Box of Crayons