Christ in Culture: A New Proposal
How should Christians interface with culture? One could argue this question has perplexed God’s people ever since Adam and Eve. I’ve enjoyed wrestling with this topic ever since I read Andy Crouch’s Culture Making.
So, I was excited when I recently came across Teddy Ray’s proposed model for Christ in culture. Ray provides an adapted (or updated?) version of Tim Keller’s model shown here:
From Center Church by Tim Keller.
What I appreciate the most about Ray’s prescribed model is his emphasis on Jesus’ love as the guiding principle. Ray explains:
Let’s use Jesus’ great commandment as our first guideline. Jesus says, “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ Everything we do should be aligned to loving God and loving God’s creation.
I took it upon myself to chart Ray’s Christ in Culture model in visual form:
Head over to Ray’s blog for a further explaining of each quadrant.