Mental Health Observations From Ted Lasso
Watching Ted Lasso, I noticed three types of people we need in life:
The Community. The community is the context we serve as an outlet to make sense of and apply our story. The community, throughout the three seasons, shapes and provides clarity and vision for Ted in the narrative arc. Even though we work through our junk, there are always people who need the gifts we possess.
The Coach Beards. Coach Beard’s are those trusted people we do life alongside. Frequently, these are close friends—people around whom we feel completely ourselves.
The Therapists. We should make sense of our stories with others who can connect the dots, whether they be guides, therapists, or shepherds. These individuals don't necessarily have to be literal therapists. While therapist-types might not be our close friends, they offer a different kind of care.
Tying each of these together is a mission. Ted didn’t interface with these three passively. A mission (for Ted, it was coaching), keeps the car of life’s purpose in motion.