Our Yellow Ochres
Starting a new canvas can be intimidating for artists. For some reason, staring into that 11X14 inch rectangle can evoke more out of you than a completed piece. “Fear,” “worry,” “joy,” “overwhelmed” are all words to describe how the artist might feel.
Insert a color. Fears go away.
Color is always interpreted by the context it sits. A green looks differently next to blue than it does red. With the color white, there is no color anchor point. When one bungee jumps, we at least know the cord is tied to the ankles. No so with a white canvas.
One color (there are several) artists often use to help kickstart their work is by applying yellow ochre all over the canvas.
The takeaways are endless to this metaphor. But I’ll offer a few:
What are some “yellow ochres” in your own life to kickstart certain practices you’d like to develop?
What “yellow ochres” do you offer others to their better serving the world?