“There’s Nothing But This Manna!”
God had provided.
He provided redemption to his people.
He provided a way out of slavery.
He provided guidance.
He provided miraculous wonders by dividing the Red Sea.
He also provided manna, God’s choice of sustenance for the people.
The people, however, complained, “who will feed us meat?” “There’s nothing…but this manna!” (Numbers 11:4-6).
Sometimes, artists wish they had other people’s gifts.
Sometimes, we’re like Asaph the temple worship leader wishing he had what others had (Psalm 73).
Sometimes, artists view their gift of manna as a curse rather than a blessing.
Forget not God’s provision for you.
Do not forget your gift brings a certain aspect of life to others.
Remember your unique gifting might be what your community needs for the next 40 years.