Favorite Questions

  1. If you woke up in the morning and everything was “the way it should be,” what changed? 

  2. Why did you want your current role when you started? Does this still ring true? 

  3. What is one mistake you’ve seen leaders make that you are determined never to make? 

  4. Do you feel you are known the way you’d like to be known? 

  5. What is the most embarrassing moment of your life? 

  6. How has your life been different from what you imagined? 

  7. Whom have you significantly influenced? How? 

  8. Who has been the most important person in your life? 

  9. What funny stories does your family tell about you? 

  10. What three skills are the most important to be a good parent? 

  11. As you consider the people in your life who have inspired you, what do you admire the most about them? 

  12. If you could wake up tomorrow having gained one quality or ability, what would it be? 

  13. When was the last time you read a book written from a perspective you disagreed with? 

  14. What is happening in your organization that would not happen if you were not there? 

  15. What are you most proud of?

  16. If you had all the money in the world, what beautiful thing would you put out into the world?

  17. If all the bibles went away, who would you follow to remember what Jesus was like? 

  18. What’s the best advice your dad gave you?

  19. If we could do a word search for your most repeated word/phrase, what would it be? Why?

  20. Ask myself three times a day: am I being productive or busy?

  21. What could you do this next year that will live on in 200 years from now?

  22. If you could hang up only one image/art in your home, what would it be? Why?

  23. If you had one movie to show someone in the future about what they need to know about the world, what would it be?

  24. What’s one thing people often misunderstand about you you wish you could clarify?

  25. What are you an expert in? What will your book be about? 

  26. If I gave you a whiteboard and 5 minutes, teach me about any subject you consider yourself an expert in

  27. How have your beliefs changes or been modified in the last 5-10 years?

  28. What is one quality about you you wished people understood more of?

  29. If you are not a self starter: but one thing you’re passionate enough about that you would start something with that? Is there something you would start if you only had the skills to do it?

  30. If you were on jimmy fallons talk show, what would it be for? What’s something he’d be impressed by that he’d want you to come brag about? 

  31. If you created your own university, what classes would be required for all?

  32. For elders: What’s one question you wish young folks asked you (about life, skills, etc.)?

  33. For proffesors: What’s the book you haven’t written yet (but have dreamed of forever)?

  34. What do you know more about than most people?

  35. If you had to give a Ted talk on some thing that nobody here knew you for what would it be on? 

  36. If you designed your personal conference, who would be the speakers and topics?

  37. What lessons do I need to learn how to be _________? 

  38. What is the very best meal you’ve ever eaten?

  39. What’s something you wished today’s young ministers and missionaries asked you more about?

  40. If you designed a personal conference catered to just you, your interests and skills, what’d be the topics? Speakers?

  41. What lessons do I need to learn to be a successful missionary for the next 50 years?

  42. If you were on Jimmy Fallon’s talk show, what hidden speciality would it be for? 

  43. What is one quality about you you wish people understood more?

Questions from various sources: