4 Reasons to Sing When You’re Depressed

William Plumer on Psalm 89:

Whatever our own state, or that of public affairs may be, les us sing of God’s glorious attributes. No darkness in our sky can excuse us from making known his perfections (Ps 89:1, 2, 14, 24, 28, 33, 49).

Here are his 4 reasons why “We greatly wrong our own souls when we decline the religious use of song”:

1. This is the fittest way to express joy for anything.

2. It will be best inculcated in this way.

3. It will be more easily remembered.

4. It will be more easily delivered to others, in order to be remembered.

Many a sorrowing child of God has had his gloom, like the evil spirit of Saul, quite removed by the hard of David.


An Homage to the Bluey Theme Song


When you think you should pencil…