When you think you should pencil…
I’m a detail-hog. A perfectionistic pamperer. A resident in the trees.
Details are my happy place. Don’t even ask how many tabs (nestled into how many Chrome browsers) are idly waiting my return.
For many years, this gift (trait, strength,…curse?!) drove my art-making. If you look at my corpus of lifeworks, you’ll see many hyperrealistic pencil portraits. But something felt wrong.
I didn’t realize how imprisoning perfection-seeking would make me.
In the last 5 years, I’ve returned to what originally drew me to art in the first place: play and joy. The fundamentals excite me again. The beauty of the rudiments enliven me. This season of parenting littles forces creativity within the limitations of interruptible 20 minute restraints.
For this reason, James Gurney’s advise has been a lifeline: learn to sketch by painting.
Instead of forcing the details of trees, live in the forest. Hang out in the bigger picture of life. Preach to my heart from the cliff rather than listen to it from the weeds.
Enjoy Mr. Gurney at work: