Beauty for the Collective and individual
I listened to a Chinese-American describe his joy upon discovering his innate talents and skills, distinct from his national heritage. Coming from a collectivistic background, where one’s value is measured according to their group, he struggled to see his unique purpose.
On the other hand, the individualist, born into a group where one’s value is achieved, not ascribed, might struggle with the opposite challenge. Surrounded by messages of “find your own path!,” or “if you just follow your dreams…,” this inward focus becomes white noise on the journey towards discovering one’s purpose.
Might both perspectives be true?
Perhaps it is more like a cycle. What if the individualist needs more encouragement to define their gifts in relation to their usefulness for others? Likewise, for the collectivist, maybe a joyful splash of “how did God uniquely wire you?” could be beneficial.
God did endow each of us with specific good works AND, at the same time, placed us in communities who need the gifts, talents, and skills we have.
So, which purposeful nudge could you use more of today: discover more of yourself or discover more of your group’s needs?