Alaska Hospitality

Alaskan Boat, Gouache 8X8

Alaska had always been a dream-like place to me—one of those locations TV shows make out to be some beautiful, exotic, and mysterious another-world. Of course visiting would be another story.

Nothing could prepare me for the onslaught of wonder.

Having a middle airplane seat meant the window-seated folk looking out blocked all possible opportunities to see. So, I waited.

The plane’s steps rolled out like a red carpet to creation.

The next few weeks fulfilled above and beyond TV’s shadow-vision of the state.

And yet, an even greater picture hide in the depths of the beautiful scenery: the gesture of hospitality.

One such gesture was offered by friends and co-laborers of our ministry. They welcomed us onto their boat for a day of pod laying, followed by a crab-feast. God was good to gift us with a sunny, hoodie, weather. And God’s followers were kind enough to feed both our tummys and our souls.

This painting is my thank offering to God and friends.

Sidenote: this AI image to video is insane…


Beauty for the Collective and individual


Commended Laborers: Fruit and Character