Creativity & the Kingdom of God (pt. 5)

In this last post, I will consider our God of creativity. Our maker is the capital M Maker. Creating is at the core of who he is. Artistry is the first attribute we learn about God in Genesis 1:1.

Consider with me the idea of God as creative expressionist. He was PLEASED to create you and I, He CONSIDERED giving us good works from before the foundation of the world (Ephesians 2:10). 

What does it mean to become a Christian? Is it simply to now start obeying a new set of rules in your life?

Not quite. 

If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation

2 Corinthians 5:17

Christians, are new creations—the future heavenly realities made manifest at this moment. 

God’s Creation as Gift-recipients

Listen to this list of true realities about what is means to be a new creation by God. Hear them like you are a child in the car at a self-driving carwash. Let them drench you, soak you, be a recipient of them. They are gifts for you.

Christians are those who (from Colossians):

  • 1:12 Enabled to share in inheritance of light with other believers

  • 1:13 Rescued from the domain of darkness

  • 1:13 Transferred into the kingdom of the Son

  • 1:14 Redeemed

  • 1:14 Forgiven of their sins

  • 1:20 Reconciled to God — at peace with Christ, their Maker

  • 1:21 Once alienated, hostile in mind/action. Now, reconciled through Jesus death

  • 1:22 Have something to hope in their lives: the gospel

  • 1:26 Insight into the mysteries of God: Christ dwelling in Christians

  • 2:6 Received Christ Jesus

  • 2:10 Been filled by Christ, the head of every ruler and authority

  • 2:12 Buried with him

  • 2:12 Raised to life with Him 

  • 2:13 Forgave us all trespasses

  • 2:14 Erased the certificate of debt, with its obligations

  • 2:20 Died with the Messiah

  • 3:1 Raised with the Messiah

  • 3:3 Died 

  • 3:3 Whose lives are hidden with the Messiah in God

  • 3:4 The Messiah is your life

  • 3:4 Who will be revealed with Jesus in glory

  • 3:9 Who have put off the old self with its practices

  • 3:10 Who have put on the new self

  • 3:10 Being renewed in knowledge according to the image of your Creator

  • 3:11 Unified with Christians of all races, classes, castes, and religious backgrounds

  • 3:12 Chosen, holy, loved

  • 3:13 Forgiven

  • 3:24 Ones whose master is in heaven

  • 4:18 have received grace

These are truths that Paul describes as God “lavishing [made abundant; exceeding a fixed number] on us” (Eph 1:8). Your Christian maturity rests on you holding tightly to these truths. 

These are not just ideas. They are truths. They are realities. Christian’s are new creations. When you stumble, sin, fall short, God is always there to catch you, guide you, and give you wisdom. 

Summing up Creativity & the Kingdom of God

God shows us that creative expression is meant to bless the world, not curse it. The golden calf, of course, was an artwork which became worshipped. In contrast, the tabernacle was an artifact which ushered people to behold & engage with God. 

Brothers and sisters, delight in God’s good gifts, but don’t worship them. Worship He who gave them.

Believer, may God’s prompting spark you to be intentional about bearing kingdom fruit and works to those around you.

And fellow artists, the world needs you. You have talents and skills given by God. He wants you to develop them, use them, and steward them. Enjoy those gifts. Don’t worship them. Bring them as an offering to the throne of God and watch how he changes the world by them. 


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Creativity & The Kingdom of God (pt. 4)