New Online Store and Free PDF

I’m excited to announce the launch of my online shop!

To celebrate, I'm releasing a PDF called "Off the Bench: 33 Ways to Engage God's Mission for Artists" for FREE.

If you are a Christian and an artist (or know someone who is), I made this for you. If you want to go from watching the culture engagement game from the bleachers to getting in the kingdom activity with your artistic gifts, this is a must read for you.

Do you feel like your artistic gifts aren’t fully valued? Like only church leaders or missionaries get to "play in the game" of engaging culture? If that sounds familiar, this is for you!

This 12-page PDF is designed to encourage and inspire you to recognize the many potential ways God has gifted you to serve his mission.

Get your copy here!


A Guest in Someone Else’s House


Creativity & the Kingdom of God (pt. 5)