Commended Laborers: Fruit and Character

Fruit and Character Commend a Christian for Service

There are a couple of other qualities that are important in all levels of ministry: fruit and character. What I mean by this is if someone is wanting to be in something like full-time missionary work, there ought to already be evidence of fruit and character in their life and work.

Fruit in Others

Fruit becomes evident when prospective ministers or missionaries have actively engaged, even to a limited extent, in disciple-making efforts, bearing tangible results among those they've worked with. In Paul's case, the Corinthians served as living testimonials, akin to letters of recommendation (2 Cor. 3:1-3). They stood as proof of his suitability for missionary endeavors, emphasizing his credentials in the field.

How Suffering is Handled

Towards the beginning of 2 Corinthians 6:3-10, Paul points out, “as servants of God we commend ourselves in every way...” He then proceeds to provide a detailed account of afflictions his team experienced. However, there was intent behind listing these trials: it bolstered their ministry. By enduring suffering for the gospel, they mirrored Christ's servant-like qualities, thereby bolstering the credibility of their work among the Corinthians. Their ability to handle suffering effectively set them apart from deceptive leaders in Corinth, making these genuine ministers of the Gospel truly commendable.

Life is Consistent with the Message

Continuing in 2 Corinthians, as Paul is describing why they do not lose heart with ministry under the New Covenant, he contrasts his team’s work with the life and work of those who adulterate the word of God (4:2). Genuine ministry workers showcase commendable conduct, devoid of deceit, by embodying truth both in their lives and their message. The life of a prospective mission worker should mirror the very proclamation they articulate.


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